Bad Blurbs #1: Death in High Heels
I don’t have a lot of luck with the blurbs on Christianna Brand books. The back of my copy of Tour de Force spoiled an important plot point, undermining with a single sentence an effect that Brand...
View ArticleThe 4:50 From Paddington (Agatha Christie, 1957)
As detailed in yesterday’s post, from time to time I’m going to pick a mystery and then compare all the different adaptations of it I can find, to see if I can pin down what works and what doesn’t. I’m...
View ArticleBad Blurbs #2 – Tour de Force (Christianna Brand, 1955)
After mentioning it in my previous post, I thought I should probably dig out my copy of Tour de Force and check that the blurb is really as bad as I thought it was. It is, and it’s made worse because...
View ArticleMay Roundup
Sorry, sorry. I had a whole plan for getting my act together. A proper schedule of updates and features. Not just blogging, either. Proper working hours for my writing and editing work. More exercise...
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